Spicy Sex + Masturbation = Real Pleasure

With Girl Boner, August McLaughlin

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Sex tips and aphrodisiac foods to try on Valentine’s Day! August McLaughlin is a journalist, health and sex educator, author of Girl Boner, and host and producer of the nationally recognized Girl Boner Radio podcast. She is a certified and trauma-informed sex educator and is passionate about breaking down the myths installed in our society that misinform. Normalizing stigmatized and taboo topics makes her a benchmark in sexual empowerment. Her articles and experience have appeared in a variety of publications including Cosmopolitan, The Washington Post, Forbes, Shape, and Bustle. In her work she fuses personal life, art and activism, taking advantage of her journalistic skills to incite others to self-love, thus being able to love others and have a better life.


  • August tells what was her turning point to realize she wanted to work with sex and create Girl Boner.
  • She says what is healthy for her; authenticity and self-embrace.
  • She explains how intuitive eating helped her overcome an eating disorder.
  • How sexual fantasies in relationships can improve sex life.
  • New generations and pleasure; how we can educate so that sex is not taboo and we can normalize it.
  • August highlights the importance of doing what you like without following what is supposed to give you pleasure in sex.
  • The ins and outs of a good sex life.
  • The best aphrodisiac foods that can spice up your Valentine’s Day.

To learn more about August McLaughlin, follow her on Instagram, or visit her website. Download for free Girl Boner’s first chapter or Girl Boner Journal excerpt + exercise.

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